RUBRACA may cause side effects1

The most common side effects reported with RUBRACA include tiredness/weakness, nausea, decrease in hemoglobin (anemia), changes in liver function tests, decreased appetite, rash, constipation, low blood cell counts, vomiting, and diarrhea.

RUBRACA may cause serious side effects, such as bone marrow problems called myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or a type of blood cancer called acute myeloid leukemia (AML)1

Some people who have received previous cancer treatment with chemotherapy or other medicines for their cancer have developed MDS or AML while taking RUBRACA.

  • Your doctor will perform weekly blood tests if you have low blood cell counts for a long time, and may stop treatment with RUBRACA until your blood cell counts improve
  • If you develop MDS or AML, your doctor will direct you to stop taking RUBRACA
RUBRACA may cause serious side effects

Tips for managing side effects

Always talk to your doctor about any side effects you may be experiencing. There may be things your doctor can do to help manage side effects, such as:

  • Reducing your dose or stopping treatment with RUBRACA for a period of time1
  • Prescribing medications to help with certain side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
RUBRACA may cause serious side effects

What you can do to help cope with tiredness or weakness

If you experience tiredness or weakness while taking RUBRACA, there are many simple things you can do daily that may help, such as:

  • Getting enough rest and sleep
  • Short walks or light exercise (if possible)
  • Eating healthy foods that give you energy
  • Stress-relieving activities
  • Not pushing yourself too hard
Your doctor will monitor you to assess how you are responding to treatment and may make changes to help manage any side effects1

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REFERENCE: 1. RUBRACA (rucaparib). Prescribing Information. pharma& Schweiz GmbH. 2023.


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